Laravel Vs Python: Which Backend Technology Do You Require the most?

The process of developing a website involves the usage of numerous scripting and programming languages. These scripting and programming languages are used in a wide range of internet-based services, including web development, web API development, mobile app development, and many others.

While starting new projects, developers can choose from a wide range of frameworks. The time it takes to finish the entire development process is accelerated and shortened by the built-in functionality of these frameworks. Most recommended frameworks include Python and Laravel.

What is Laravel and why should you choose it?

The developers must be familiar with the fundamentals of PHP in order to use Laravel. The majority of apps that fall under the category of content management systems use Laravel since it contains built-in capabilities that make the development process simple and hence shorten the development time. While building a new website from scratch, Laravel is a significant feature that supports you throughout every stage of the web development process.

Laravel is marketed as “A PHP Framework For Web Artisans” by developers. Laravel is also known as a web application framework with eloquent and appealing syntax. To be genuinely meaningful, development must be a fun and creative process, in our opinion. By streamlining common tasks used in the majority of online applications, such as authentication, sessions, routing, and caching, Laravel promises to make development simpler.

Take a look at the following statistics that prove the relevance of Laravel:

  • In 2022, Laravel development was a 2X popular option for PHP framework development.
  • Laravel is presently being used by over 761,321 live websites.
  • There are approximately 100,173 distinct domains in Laravel.

Advantages of Laravel

  • It is a top-notch PHP framework option.
  • Because it is built on MVC, there is no need to write HTML codes.
  • With the aid of a blade template engine, logic may be easily integrated into the website.
  • It offers an integrated authorization and authentication system and simple mail system integration.
  • Provides efficient testing work automation.

Disadvantages of Laravel

  • It lacks built-in facilities and demands third-party integration for the creation of custom websites.
  • Before working with Laravel, developers must be proficient in PHP because it is somewhat slow.

What is Python and why should you choose it?

Comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java, Python is described as a clean and sophisticated object-oriented programming language. Python is the greatest choice if you are just starting your programming career because of its elegant syntax and legible code.

Python offers a wide range of applications and is dynamic and high-level. Python is an appropriate language for scripting because of its syntax, variable type, and interpreted nature.

It supports a range of programming paradigms, including functional, procedural, and object-oriented techniques. It is an interpreted language, which means that it cannot be converted into machine-readable code before being executed.

Take a look at the following statistics that prove the relevance of Python:

  • Python is ranked second among programming languages in the TIOBE Index, which ranks them according to user popularity. 
  • It is the language with the largest global growth rate over the past five years, at 17.6%, is Python.

Advantages of Python

  • Python is created under an OSI-approved open-source license that permits its unrestricted usage and distribution, including for profit.
  • Even for complete beginners, Python is straightforward to learn. It has an English-like syntax and is a high-level dynamic programming language.
  • The extensive standard library of Python has practically all conceivable functions.
  • Python’s simplicity enables programmers to focus on figuring out language-related issues.
  • Python was created to be mobile. Any contemporary computer operating system is compatible with its programs.

Disadvantages of Python

  • Python consumes a large amount of memory since it can handle many kinds of data.
  • Each line of code in Python must be arranged chronologically and read before execution because it is an interpreted language. This requires considerably more time and slows down the execution process.
  • Python has the drawback of being immature and primitive when it comes to interacting with the database and data access layer when compared to some good technologies like JDBC and ODBC

What is the difference between Laravel and Python?


For e-commerce applications, Laravel’s microframework architecture is immensely powerful. It is made up of a number of modules that may be used alone or in combination to create complex Laravel apps using different building blocks. As a result, it is easy to divide a large piece of code into smaller, more manageable units.

Yet, this is not how Python is made. With the aid of specific tools, you can utilize them to create event-driven and asynchronous applications. Python, like Node.js, enables the development of asynchronous code through the usage of async modules. Nevertheless, since this module is only absent from a small number of Python systems, it will take more effort.

Scalability and Flexibility:

Depending on the size of the project, Laravel offers a wide variety of scalability options. Due to a managed package’s flexible scalability options, developers can quickly migrate from shared hosting to the cloud. Popular apps have been using Laravel for years, and they are scaling up greatly without any limitations. Due to its capacity to accommodate businesses that are undergoing fast change, Laravel inherits PHP’s scalability. Laravel may accomplish tremendous horizontal scaling with the right load balancer.

In contrast, Python enables flexibility and control over programming because, unlike Laravel, it does not impose any requirements on developers. Python’s scalability in an application is lower than that of Node.js because Node.js does permit the execution of several jobs at once.

Availability of Resources: 

When comparing the availability of resources between these two backend technologies, Laravel has the advantage, thanks to its large documentation, tutorials, forums, and stack overflow help. 

In contrast to Python, where the majority of developers must look online for community assistance with only a limited amount of guidance available on official documentation pages, Laravel resources make it easier for new developers or newbies in this industry to find solutions for their problems or questions about programming issues.

Performance Gap: 

Python performs well when combined with other frameworks like Django or partials that enable effective development of complex projects because of the syntax’s cleaner structure, which gives access to more resources while coding than the Laravel framework even though the performance difference between them is still relatively small.

On the other hand, Laravel performs better with its longer loading time than Python while developing mobile web apps, which demand faster speed and reliability.

Security Measures: 

Both backend systems have strong security features that ensure the greatest protection from harmful assaults in terms of security measures. Instead of starting from scratch in Python, Laravel outperforms it by offering cutting-edge authentication and authorization modules that enable secure user authentication a smoother, simpler procedure.

  Developer Experience: 

Both languages offer excellent developer experiences, but when convenience and comfort are considered, Laravel comes out on top. This is primarily because of its intuitive syntax, which gives developers access to pre-packaged functionalities like Eloquent ORM and significantly speeds up the development process.


Laravel comes with all the tools you’ll really have to test the app environment at different levels, including the ability to perform mock tests with phony application scripts and events. Also, it has extensive testing documentation. Laravel tests the code in this scenario at two different levels, known as Unit tests and Feature tests, to make the testing process simpler to manage.

To edit codes, Python and Sublime Text are frequently used in tandem. The Robot Framework facilitates automated testing. Well-known Node.js frameworks like Django and Web2Py also bring a tonne of features.

Ending Note

Laravel and Python are popular and efficient web and backend programming languages. Everything depends on the particular use case or situation. You should think about how comfortable you would be using any of these technologies.

The answer to the question, of which language to choose really depends on the needs of your project. Both technologies offer advantages, but if you’re looking for scalability and powerful features, then Laravel might be a better choice.

Python offers excellent support for machine learning and data analysis, so if these are primary goals then it may be suitable. Ultimately it is important to consider which language best meets the requirements of your business and helps you to achieve desired outcomes efficiently.

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