Grammarly Chrome Extension

Grammarly Chrome Extension
Grammarly is one of the useful and popular Chrome extensions. It is used as a spelling and grammar checker. It comes with a clean and simple interface. Users can customize their spell-checking settings easily, and check for plagiarism with just a single click.

Spell Check Chrome Extension –

Grammarly improves your writing skill using spell check, grammar check, punctuation check, and more.

Whether you are replying to emails or drafting articles on Google Docs, Grammarly is an extension that can help you write better.


It uses its underlying technology to identify grammatical errors in your writing, which are otherwise missed by any other word processor.


It offers real-time suggestions to help you write your best online, no matter what you’re working on in your browser.


Grammarly chrome extension used by 10,000,000+ users

Its current rating is : 4.5/5


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